
First Baptist Sparta exists to glorify God…

1 Corinthians 10:31


…by laboring together for the growth of all believers

Colossians 1:28-29 


…while going with the gospel locally and globally.

Matthew 28:19-20

Sunday's Sermon

The most recent Sunday Sermons are posted here as quickly as possible to keep our congregation and visitors up-to-date.


To view previous services, check out our “sermons” page.

New Here?

Service Times and Locations

We meet every Sunday Morning at 10am in the sanctuary located at 202 Main St. Sparta, NC 28675. The best entrance is the main entrance through the double doors facing Main Street. You can follow the sidewalks up from wherever you park.

Kids Drop-Off

Our nursery for Pre-K and younger is located on the 2nd floor. Just ask a greeter when you arrive, and they’ll walk you to the right place. Kids in Kindergarten-5th grade are invited to participate in the first portion of the worship service before being dismissed to Children’s Church prior to the sermon.


Come as you are. There is no specific dress-code, and you will find that our members wear jeans, suits, dresses, and everything else in between. If you’re just trying to blend in, the most common style of clothing is business casual.



Kids, Youth & Adult

Sunday School: 8:45 am

Sunday Worship: 10:00 am


Growth Groups


Church meal: 5:15

Student Growth Group: 5:30-7pm

Prayer Meeting:6pm

Choir Practice: 7-8pm

Need a ride?

Bobby Edwards: 336-657-1200

JD Brooks: 336-657-1839